Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Most Americans Disagree with Their Congressional Representative on Climate Change

Money smokestacks at congress (Credit: Dylan Petrohilos) Click to Enlarge.
According to new research from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, more than six in ten Americans are represented by someone in Congress who denies the reality of climate change.

Following the second straight year that earned the title of hottest year on record, 59 percent of the Republican House caucus and 70 percent of Republicans in the Senate deny the scientific consensus that climate change is happening and humans are the main cause.  There are 182 climate deniers in the 114th Congress in 2016 — 144 in the House and 38 in the Senate.  According to the U.S. Census, that means 202,803,591 people are represented by a climate denier in Congress.
It has been a year since this research was last conducted, and since then 14 House members have revealed themselves to be climate deniers from their public statements.  The number stayed the same in the Senate, though there was an exchange.  Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) took herself off the list last October when she said “I believe that it is a real issue, that obviously man-made activity is contributing to carbon dioxide emissions and that we should be of course working on solutions that I hope are common-sense solutions.”  Ayotte swapped her place with Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), who said that while “there always has been [climate change], there always will be,” the human contribution to that change is “up for debate.”

Read more at Most Americans Disagree with Their Congressional Representative on Climate Change

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