Saturday, September 05, 2015

America’s Birds Flying into Climate Danger Zone

Wide-ranging survey shows that many of North America’s bird species could be left with nowhere to go as climate change drastically affects their habitats.

The bald eagle, iconic bird of the US, is among the North American species threatened by climate change. (Image Credit: Softeis via Wikimedia Commons) Click to Enlarge.
Some of North America’s birds may no longer be at home on the range.  More than half of 588 studied species could lose over 50% of their flying, breeding and feeding space before the end of the century − because of climate change.

The researchers who discovered the precarious future facing so many species say they were shocked to find that rising temperatures could have such widespread effects on the continent’s birds.

The finding comes from one of the world’s most distinguished ornithological bodies, the US National Audubon Society.

Gary Langham, Audubon’s chief scientist, and colleagues report in the Public Library of Science journal PLOS One that they used mathematical models and results from two long-established annual surveys in the breeding season and in winter to estimate future geographic range shifts.

Read more at America’s Birds Flying into Climate Danger Zone

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