Friday, October 06, 2017

Soil Microbes' Contribution to the Carbon Cycle in a Warming World

Kristen DeAngelis's microbial research takes advantage of a 26-year, ongoing soil warming experiment at Harvard Forest, a research station in north central Massachusetts, where she says the longest running such experiment in the world allows researchers to peer into the future of climate change. (Image Credit: UMass Amherst) Click to Enlarge.
Microbiologist Kristen DeAngelis and her graduate student Grace Pold at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, with colleagues at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and in New Hampshire, report results in the Oct. 6 issue of Science from their study of warming-related soil carbon cycling changes in a New England hardwood forest.

Over two and a half decades, the team observed periods of substantial soil carbon loss, punctuated by periods of large changes in microbial communities - an episodic rather than steady pattern of warming-related change.  DeAngelis and colleagues write, "We found that soil warming results in a four-phase pattern of soil organic matter decay and carbon dioxide flows to the atmosphere, with phases of substantial soil carbon loss alternating with phases of no detectable loss."

The contribution of soils and terrestrial carbon cycle feedback to the climate system are part of a large and poorly understood component of global warming, the authors point out.  Soils are the largest repository of organic carbon in the terrestrial biosphere and represent an important source of the greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.  This soil carbon makes soil healthy by holding water and helping plants grow, the microbial ecologist says. Microbes control the depletion of soil carbon.

This research takes advantage of a 26-year, ongoing soil warming experiment at Harvard Forest, a research station in north central Massachusetts.  This is the longest running soil warming experiment in the world, DeAngelis says, and allows researchers to peer into the future of climate change.
Over the course of the 26-year experiment still ongoing, the warmed plots lost 17 percent of the carbon that had been stored in organic matter in the top 60 centimeters of soil.

She adds, "We know that microbial soil respiration is a major, and natural, source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  Using the long-term warming experiment as a window into future climate change, we see that warming has a profound but discontinuous effect on greenhouse gas emissions."

This work was led by first author Jerry Melillo of the Woods Hole MBL, who established the long-term soil-warming experiment at the forest experiment station in 1991.  There, heating coils similar to those used to keep football and soccer fields from freezing are buried about 4 inches (10 cm) deep in treatment plots to keep the soil surface exactly 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the ambient temperature.  With nearby unheated controls for comparison, the plots create an outdoor laboratory for studying artificial climate change.

"To put this in context," Melillo says, "each year, mostly from fossil fuel burning, we are releasing about 10 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere.  That's what's causing the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global warming.  The world's soils contain about 3,500 billion metric tons of carbon.  If a significant amount of that soil carbon is added to the atmosphere due to microbial activity in warmer soils, that will accelerate the global warming process.  And once this self-reinforcing feedback begins, there is no easy way to turn it off.  There is no switch to flip."

Read more at Soil Microbes' Contribution to the Carbon Cycle in a Warming World

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