Monday, December 08, 2014

Latin American and Caribbean Nations Pledge Major Forest Restoration Efforts

Forest restoration commitments (Credit: World Resources Institute) Click to Enlarge.
Latin American and Caribbean countries yesterday launched Initiative 20x20, an effort to begin restoring 20 million hectares of degraded land — an area larger than Uruguay — by 2020.  The initiative has secured $365 million in funds, its leaders announced, which will be used to restore forests, avoid deforestation, and improve the use of trees and livestock in agriculture — practices known as agroforestry and silvopasture.  This restoration is expected to provide extensive economic, social, and environmental benefits through improved local livelihoods and ecosystem services such as erosion prevention, water purification, and carbon storage, organizers say.

Restoration commitments totaling just over 20 million hectares were announced yesterday, with Mexico and Peru making the largest pledges.  The initiative was launched in Lima, Peru, alongside international climate talks.  Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from land-use changes and forestry, which together generate about half of the carbon emissions in Latin America and the Caribbean, is key for low carbon development, the initiative's organizers say.

Read original article at Latin American and Caribbean Nations Pledge Major Forest Restoration Efforts

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