Sunday, December 07, 2014

House Republican Plans to Introduce Pro-Climate-Science Bill

Chimneys (Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images) Click to Enlarge.
A Republican House member is battling the skepticism toward climate-change science that's common in GOP ranks.  And he wants to put lawmakers on record in the process.

Rep. Chris Gibson said Thursday he plans to introduce a resolution on climate change that will help others "recognize the reality" of the situation.  Gibson said the extreme weather he has witnessed in his own upstate New York district supports the science, and he wants to be a leader in spurring recognition of changing weather patterns.

"My district has been hit with three 500-year floods in the last several years, so either you believe that we had a one in over 100 million probability that occurred, or you believe as I do that there's a new normal, and we have changing weather patterns, and we have climate change.  This is the science," said the two-term lawmaker who was reelected in November.

"I hope that my party—that we will come to be comfortable with this, because we have to operate in the realm of knowledge and science, and I still think we can bring forward conservative solutions to this, absolutely, but we have to recognize the reality," Gibson said.  "So I will be bringing forward a bill, a resolution that states as such, with really the intent of rallying us, to harken us to our best sense, our ability to overcome hard challenges."

Gibson spoke at an event hosted by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, which is a pro-Republican advocacy group; a PAC that supports Republicans called Concord 51; and the Conservation Leadership Council, a group of conservatives that includes Gale Norton, who was Interior Secretary under George W. Bush.  The Environmental Defense Fund helped create the CLC.

Read more at House Republican Plans to Introduce Pro-Climate-Science Bill

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