Friday, December 12, 2014

Global Group of Catholic Bishops Calls for Fossil-Fuel Phase-Out

Negotiators are gathered in Lima, Peru, for this year's UN's climate meeting (Credit: AFP) Click to Enlarge.
Catholic bishops from around the world are calling for an end to fossil fuel use and increased efforts to secure a global climate treaty.

Catholics, they say, should engage with the process leading to a proposed new deal to be signed in Paris next year.

The statement is the first time that senior church figures from every continent have issued such a call.

With 1.2bn people worldwide calling themselves Catholic, the church has considerable potential to influence public debate on any issue.
The bishops argue that nations should aim to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C.

This goes further than the current position of many negotiators who say that 2 degrees represents the threshold for dangerous climate change.

Read more at Global Group of Catholic Bishops Calls for Fossil-Fuel Phase-Out

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