Friday, August 01, 2014

Why the Koch Brothers Are So Interested in Who Becomes the Next Attorney General of Colorado

Colorado Attorney General Nominee Cynthia Coffman (R). (Credit: Cytnhia Coffman for attorney general Facebook page) Click to enlarge.
The campaign for the usually little-noticed position of Colorado Attorney General has been jolted with a stunning influx of outside money — a total one candidate says is more than quadruple the largest amount ever spent by a candidate for the position.

The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) has reportedly reserved a historic $2.6 million television ad buy in support of Colorado Republican attorney general nominee Cynthia Coffman.  The group has received significant funding from the fossil fuel industry — and dark money groups backed by petrochemical billionaires Charles and David Koch.  Probably not coincidentally, Coffman is a staunch supporter of the oil and gas industry who has vowed to use the position to protect the rights of frackers and drillers.

Attorneys general play a huge role in choosing which state regulations to defend in court, how much effort will go to prosecuting environmental crimes, and what whether to challenge EPA rules in court.  Coffman’s opponent, Democratic nominee Don Quick, highlights on his campaign website that he as Colorado AG would “strengthen and expand our efforts to protect all of Colorado’s natural resources” and “make protection of our land, water and wildlife” a top priority.

But Coffman’s site takes the opposite approach, making clear her strong fealty to Big Energy.  In a section called “Oil and Gas,” she calls the industry “integral to Colorado’s economic health as well as to the U.S. energy supply.”  If elected, Coffman pledges to take action against localities who try to prevent fracking, which “effectively deprive landowners and companies of their property rights in contravention of the law.”

Why the Koch Brothers Are So Interested in Who Becomes the Next Attorney General of Colorado

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