Sunday, August 03, 2014

What Climate Change Debate? - Chicago Tribune

Ice melts in the source region of China's Yellow River outside of Maduo on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, known as the "Roof of the World" in 2010. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP/Getty Images) Click to enlarge.
Regardless of one's political standpoint or whether one believes it is happening, Earth's climate is changing, and we are the root cause.  There is no climate debate — at least not among the folks who have actually studied the science — and we should all stop pretending there is one.

The responsibility for maintaining our planet's climate lies with each of us.  Power plants may represent some of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, but we are all consumers of the power they produce.

This isn't about pointing fingers.  It's about understanding the problem and, more important[ly], taking action.  There are solutions available to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.  But time is short, and the task is daunting in its scale.

We can debate which solutions offer the greatest benefit but not whether there is a problem.  That case is closed.  Now it's time to recognize that failure to act puts our children's future — and that of all subsequent generations — in peril.

What Climate Change Debate? - Chicago Tribune

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