Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What Does U.S. Look Like with 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise?

Boston projections showing water levels 10 feet above high tide line. (Credit: Click to explore.
New research indicates that climate change has already triggered an unstoppable decay of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.  The projected decay will lead to at least 4 feet of accelerating global sea level rise within the next two-plus centuries, and at least 10 feet of rise in the end. 

The predicted sea level rise will take a long time to unfold.  The numbers listed here do not represent immediate or literal threats.  Under any circumstances, coastal populations and economies will reshape themselves over time.  But the new research on West Antarctic Ice Sheet decay -- and the amount of humanity in the restless ocean's way -- point to unrelenting centuries of defense, retreat, and reimagination of life along our coasts.

What Does U.S. Look Like with 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise?

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