Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vermont Is First US State to Create Long-Term Climate Plan

More snow to come in the medium term, but enjoy it while you can (Credit: Ben Bloom/Ocean/Corbis) Click to enlarge.
And here is next century's weather…  Size-wise, Vermont may be a minnow, but it can boast the only long-term plan of any US state to prepare for climate change.

"We are small, but we're trying to be a role model for the other states," says climate scientist Gillian Galford at the University of Vermont, lead author of the Vermont Climate Assessment, released this week.

Vermont's assessment predicts what will happen locally over the next century using both local weather data and standard scenarios for global warming used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  Some news is good, such as longer growing seasons for farmers and heavier winter snows to attract skiers over the next 25 to 40 years.  Some is not so good, such as the likelihood the snow will turn to rain after that period, and the chance that pests will plague farmers all year round.

Vermont Is First US State to Create Long-Term Climate Plan

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