Monday, September 07, 2015

Understanding the World’s Oceans More Essential than Ever to Secure the Future Our Planet

Ocean Waves (Credit: Click to Enlarge.
A greater understanding and appreciation of our oceans is essential for the well being of the world’s population, according to a new report.  The report looks at the future for:  commercial shipping -- without which world trade would cease; for navies – so vital for security; and the health of the oceans – addressing the challenges of pollution, climate change and exploitation of resources.
By the year 2030, the experts forecast that twice as many offshore structures will exist including 100 times more wind turbines than at present, and that 50 per cent of the world's oil will be produced offshore.  They also predict that within the next 15 years, 50 per cent of the global population will live in coastal regions.

To mitigate against these effects and to develop opportunities >for the future, they've identified a number of key transformational Ocean Space technologies that will make the biggest impact now and in the future.  These include:
  • Advanced materials -- rise in the use of ultra-strong materials for ocean structures using embedded sensors to enable remote sensing and support the ability of materials and structure systems to self-repair when damage occurs;
  • Big data analytics -- extracting and using complex data from activities such as resource extraction, exploration and environmental protection to influence the way humankind perceives and interacts with the oceans;
  • Sustainable energy generation -- offshore energy-generation platforms and algae stations will reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, mitigate pollution and have a minimal carbon footprint, so their impact on the environment will be relatively small. The combined use of these technologies, say experts from the SMMI, will help the world address the effects of climate change, the higher expected frequency and severity of extreme weather, the further reduction of land-based resources and the increasing coastal populations.

    Read more at Understanding the World’s Oceans More Essential than Ever to Secure the Future Our Planet

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