Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Averting Disastrous Climate Change Could Depend on Unproven Technologies - MIT

Carbon conundrum: One way to decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere would be to reverse the kind of deforestation shown here in Victoria, Australia.(Credit: Flickr/crustmania) Click to enlarge.
A U.N. climate report says we’ll overshoot greenhouse gas targets, and will need new technologies to make up for it.

A U.N. climate report released on Sunday concludes that there may still be time to limit global warming to an increase of two degrees Celsius or less, which could help the world avoid the worst effects of climate change.  But doing so will depend on making extraordinary changes to energy infrastructure at a much faster pace than is happening now, and may require the use of controversial and unproven technologies for pulling greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Averting Disastrous Climate Change Could Depend on Unproven Technologies - MIT\

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